Tag Archives: watercolor calligraphy

Our Holiday Cards 2013 watercolor calligraphy

Our Holiday Cards 2013 envelope calligraphy


Our Holiday Cards 2013 watercolor calligraphy closeup

Time to send out our holiday cards! Our holiday cards arrived from the print shop today and I couldn’t be more excited! I have already addressed all the envelopes and all I have to do now is write few wishes on the back side, seal the envelopes and make a trip to the post office. For the record, this has never happened before. I am usually so late that our cards arrive between Christmas and New Year.

This year, I kept the design simple with few favorite pictures our family (pup included) and my watercolor calligraphy. I also hand addressed all envelopes, practicing my calligraphy. The biggest challenge was the sparkly paper which makes the ink bleed with too much pressure. But they turned out pretty enough to send.