All posts by iwonak

About iwonak

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Amazing red foil on Black paper  |  www.iwonak.comRed  foil on black  |  beautiful season ticket packets for Seattle Symphony  |   www.iwonak.comRed shiny foil on black paper |  beautiful season ticket packets for Seattle Symphony  |


I thought I’ll share with you this project that I completed this summer. It’s too pretty not to share. It is a packaging for our season tickets. I’m absolutely in love with the shiny red foil on the cover – it is so pretty and so classic… I know foil stamping hasn’t been used much lately, but I really hope it will return. It’s so amazing, isn’t it?


Each year I plan to have my Christmas cards designed and printed early. And then life happens and they are always sent late. I am a graphic designer and design should be easy, yet it is always so much work. I usually have a hard time settling on the right design (let’s not even mention picking photos) and then, well the addressing of all those envelopes takes forever too. This year the biggest challenge was not designing but taking the photos of our little ones. We finally brought them home a day before Thanksgiving and life has been a whirlwind since. Due to their fragile conditions and our crazy and unpredictable schedule, we were unable to have a photographer to come to our house to take our family pictures. I was left with the job of capturing our precious babies. And it was a challenge. Babies tend to fuss and stretch out and don’t like being confined. After taking hundreds of photos we finally chose one that had both of them looking into the camera.


This year’s card was extra special because it was also Jakob and Izzy’s birth announcement! Originally I wanted to send out two separate cards, but there is no way I could have made that happen. This year our card will double as a Christmas card and baby announcement. And I am totally ok with that. Why not to celebrate the season as well as our bundles of joy. I am so happy with the way those cards turned out! Merry Christmas!


Benefits folder letterpress printed in clear ink and blue foil  |  Design and art direction by Iwona Konarski | #branding #collateral #print #layout #letterpress #foil #iwonak.comBenefits folder letterpress printed in clear ink and blue foil  |  Design and art direction by Iwona Konarski | #branding #collateral #print #layout #letterpress #foil #iwonak.comBenefits folder letterpress printed in clear ink and blue foil  |  Design and art direction by Iwona Konarski | #branding #collateral #print #layout #letterpress #foil

I simply can’t resist the charm of a letterpressed collateral. These folders are part of Seattle Symphony’s Donor Benefits Collateral and are designed to hold multiple sheets of paper, the quantity depends on the membership level. Each folder is letterpress printed with a beautiful blind (no ink) impression for the pattern design and blue foil stamped for the logo.

It’s printed on Cambric Beckett stock in mahogany, which I really like for the touch of tooth to the finish and how it takes a beautiful, crisp impression. The inside pages were offset printed in custom brown and blue ink on Strathmore paper stock.

Gold foil on brown paper |  Event invitations by Iwona Konarski | Gold foil on brown paper |  Event invitations by Iwona Konarski |


Gold. Shiny foil. Brown paper stock. Chartreuse envelopes with letterpress return address. Check! Check and check! I’m very excited to have my latest project printed. I was really worried about the fine lines in the floral art but it all turned out perfect. Yay! Now, back to another design… stay tuned. Lot’s of events happening at the Symphony this spring and summer.